The My CPD page is a space for you to keep a detailed record of your Continuous Professional Development (CPD). All courses completed on LearnHSCNI which have CPD hours assigned to them will automatically appear in your entries.
To add a CPD Entry
1. Log into the LearnHSCNI learner portal.
2. On the landing page, on the top right where your name is displayed, click the Profile icon.
3. In the drop-down menu, click My CPD.
4. The My CPD page is displayed. Your CPD entries will be listed.
5. Click Add entry to create a new CPD activity for each piece of learning completed. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
6. Add in the Activity Title and Description of the CPD activity completed.
7. Select the Activity type from the list provided. If selecting Other, ensure you specify in the Description box for your own records.
8. Optional: add in a Web Link to store URL links to CPD-related activity. For example, you could use this field to link to associated resources or materials of your CPD activity.
9. Add in the Date Activity Completed and the duration of the activity. The Time taken will deduct from any target hours within the given period.
10. You can add in a reflection of the activity, perhaps thinking about why you did the activity and what you learnt or how you will apply your learning within your role.
11. You can also upload files to evidence your learning and ensure that they are easy to find in the future. Click Upload option, to attach evidence to the activity.
12. You can save your activity at any point, once you have completed the mandatory fields (marked with *) by clicking Save. When you have completed all of the details for your activity, uncheck the Draft check-box. Doing this will ensure the activity counts towards your target CPD hours. You are able to edit/update your entries at any time, in either the draft or completed state.